Safety Leadership Program

New Generation Rollingstock Project – Queensland

About the NGR Project

New Generation Rollingstock ‘NGR project’ is a public private partnership purposed to design, build and deliver 75 new six-car trains for the South East Queensland passenger rail network.

The major partners in the consortium are the Queensland Government, Bombardier Transportation, John Laing, ITOCHU and Aberdeen Asset Management and the total project was valued at $4.4 billion.  A state of the art facility for the NGR fleet was constructed at Wulkuraka in Queensland.

BWC Safety’s role

Typical of any large rail engineering project, there were businesses of all size and type working together to deliver the 75 trains on behalf of the Queensland Government. This creates additional safety risks that need to be managed and BWC Safety were engaged initially to conduct a safety assessment at the Wulkuraka facility and subsequently to develop a custom safety leadership coaching program for the managers and supervisors.

Safety Leadership Program

BWC developed a tailored program which assessed the capability of each leader across a range of safety competencies, including leadership commitment to safety, risk assessment, incident investigation and effective communication. Coaching sessions ran for around two hours each fortnight and leaders’ progress was tracked on a measurable scale.


Feedback from the participants in the program was extremely positive and measurable improvements were achieved in the safety competencies of the leadership group. Most importantly, the NGR project achieved the milestone of 75 trains without a major injury occurring to any staff at Wulkuraka.

NGRProject 1

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Contact BWC Safety on 0408 300 187 for advice.