Legal Notice

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Exclusion of liability

This site is intended to provide information to users about the operations of BWC Safety Pty Ltd. However, we cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the content of this site. BWC Safety therefore expressly excludes any representations or warranties concerning the currency, accuracy, completeness, or suitability of the content of this site.

Users accept the sole responsibility and risk associated with any use of the content of this site, irrespective of the purpose of such use.

BWC Safety disclaims all responsibility and liability for any expense, damage, loss or costs which may be suffered or incurred as a result of use or reliance on the content of this site. In no circumstances shall BWC Safety be liable for any special, consequential or indirect loss or damage arising from any use of or reliance on the content of this site, even if BWC Safety is aware of the possibility of such loss.


The content of this site is Copyright © BWC Safety Ltd 2017.
Other than for the purposes of, and subject to the conditions prescribed under the Copyright Act 1968, no part of this site may, by any means (magnetic, electronic, optical, photocopying, or otherwise), be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted, broadcast or published without prior written permission.

Third party sites

Some of the pages on this site contain links to pages or sites which are not under the control of BWC Safety.

No representation or warranty is made by BWC Safety regarding the content of any such pages or sites. Merely because links are made to third party sites, does not mean that BWC Safety promotes or endorses any of those sites.